USA DV program Application Process 2024 Application Form

The United States of America love the diversity among their population. the full meaning of a DV visa is a diversity visa. Every year The USA allows up to 5500 green cards for outcoming immigrants. Those who get the opportunity to have a green card are allowed to live and work lawfully in any state of America.

Through what process the U.S.A give a DV visa?

Well, the demand for a green card is far more than the real supply of green cards. So the authority can’t just give a DV to everyone who requires it. Through a lottery, they select an outcome. If you are interested to apply for a Diversity visa, this article is for you. Read the below and know the whole process.

How can I get a Diversity Visa?

DV Lottery Apply Now

If you are qualified for a diversity visa then maybe you can get one. Here the term qualified means you have to be from an eligible country. Not from every country’s people can apply for a DV. Usually low immigration-rated country is suitable for the application. Your application must be filed with true information otherwise it would be cancelled.Can I apply for a DV from anywhere in the world?

No. People from some countries can’t apply for DV. The reason is they have sent more than 50000 immigrants to the United States. Though there are some exceptions but normally 18 countries including Bangladesh are not eligible. The countries are Bangladesh, citizens of India, Pakistan, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, China, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, South Korea, Vietnam, and the United Kingdom (excluding Northern Ireland.

As a Bangladeshi can I apply for a DV for 2022 anyway?

A few Bangladeshi can apply for DV. There are almost 57000 Bangladeshis live in the USA. If your spouse is born in an eligible country then you can claim your spouse’s country of birth and apply for a Diversity visa lottery.

The second option is if you were born in a country that is not eligible for the DV application and during your birth time your parents weren’t a legal citizen of that country then you can claim your father’s or mother’s country of birth. In this case, your father or mother must be from an eligible country and only then you can apply for the DV 2022 program.
Besides that DV requires some experience too. Like you have to complete at least your high school education or 12-year course of education.

ব্রেকিং_নিউজ বিনামুল্যে কম্পিউটার প্রশিক্ষণ পাবে একলাখ শিক্ষার্থী। সাথে ১০ হাজার টাকা বৃত্তি। বিস্তারিত দেখুন  লিংক ক্লিক করে ধন্যবাদ, 🥰 .📢🌏

If not, you have to have two years of experience within the last five years in a profession that requires at least two years of training.
Necessary Requiment:
You need to fulfill an information form. That information form requires the below.
First of all, the full name of the applicant. Then His or her date of birth, where the applicant was born (city/ district/ birthplace that has written in the registration card), applicants country name, applicants photo, full address, currently where he/she is living, phone number, email number, married or unmarried, number of children, husband wife information, educational qualification, etc.

Be aware of not giving false information. And it is requested not to apply for a DV if you are not from an eligible country or can’t fulfill the requirements. As before I have mentioned, you need at least 12 years of educational experience or two years of professional occupational experience that requires two years of training.Application selection process:

Almost 40% of participants are disqualified because of their errors or mistakes in the application. DV application process is internet-based and charges free. The rejection and admission of a diversity visa is an electrical process. People from the eligible country can apply and then every application will be checked by immigration consultants. If you are quite lucky maybe you’ll be selected in the lottery.

Why would I apply for a diversity visa?

When you get a diversity visa it means you get a green card that makes sure the right to live in the United States of America. America is the dream place of so many people around the world. To live a better life, thousands of people are interested in DV visa. Having a green card doesn’t mean you are a citizen of America but you can almost enjoy all kinds of facilities that a citizen can have. You can work and live freely and lawfully.

The history of Diversity Visa:

The green card was first given in 1940 as an” Alien Registration Receipt Card”. That time it included bore green writing and a greenish photo in it. Though the color of the green card has been changed several times it is still called a green card. The color of the card was pink for a while and also light green shade has been used. At the very first time, almost all the applicants got a green card who participated in the DV lottery but now the demand is too high. So people can not but trust the fortune of the diversity visa lottery program.


So to say a Bangladeshi including 17 counties can’t normally apply for a DV visa for 2020. But as mentioned, there are other options by which one can apply. If you are eligible somehow you can participate in the DV lottery 2022 and look forward to having a green card.The diversity visa lottery is totally up to luck but your application form must be filled perfectly. Any error will not be accepted. For misinformation, your application can be rejected. So be careful while filling the form.

As it’s an electric process and highly secured, it depends on the lottery and no extra partiality is possible. Immigrant authority can not fully complete the demand of the enormous participant all over the world but a fixed number id people can have to opportunity. So, the article was all about how to get a DV visa and the eligibility of the applicants. Hope the article has quenched the thirst for the answer you were looking for.

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